Ideas For Boulder Home Security Landscaping To Shield Your Home
Landscaping is known to bring beauty, value, and function to properties. But it can also affect your home’s security. Look over the following Boulder home security landscaping tips and learn how to improve your home’s defense.
No. 1: Maintain Your Yard
Does your yard make the impression you want? A well-groomed landscape with a mowed lawn, trimmed shrubs, and mulched flower beds lets onlookers know you’re mindful of your property. On the other hand, untended grass and weeds suggest you’re inattentive to your yard and might not put a priority on your home security either. Don’t give the wrong impression and make your home more susceptible to burglary.
No. 2: Brighten Your Boulder Property
Darkness is welcomed by thieves because they would like to remain unseen. Don’t make things easier on them. Alternatively, incorporate several types of lighting throughout your landscape. You probably already have a porch light, but you might also include motion-detecting lighting in other areas like your patio door or garage. Try solar lights beside a pathway and accent lights in front of retaining walls or trees. In doing so, you can eliminate probable hiding spots while bringing a unique aspect to your landscape. You might even set up inside smart lights to turn on when motion is discovered outside.
No. 3: Keep Your Sightline Clear
You need to be able to observe all parts of your landscape from the interior. Keep shrubs and bushes lower than three feet so you don’t obstruct your perspective. If you’re buying new plants from a nursery, read the label to understand how large they may grow. Generally, it’s wise to avoid hedges and more sizable plant life, especially by access points like your garage.
No. 4: Keep A Close Watch With Video Cameras
Surveillance systems are one of the most powerful crime deterrents. Even just the sight of them is enough to dissuade the majority of would-be thieves. Consequently, keep your outdoor surveillance in clear view but in a higher spot so it can't be easily accessed. When you're at work on on vacation, you can peek at real-time camera footage via your handy smartphone security app. To enhance your peace of mind, alerts can be dispatched straight to your phone if your devices discover suspect activity.
No. 5: Defensive Flora Works As Boulder Home Security Landscaping
Few burglars will want to go through a thorny plant to reach your first-floor window. You’ll want to choose plants that match your climate, but you might go with dwarf bougainvillea, rose bushes, holly, and gooseberry bushes as defensive flora. Just keep in mind, plants needs to be less than three feet tall if put in front of windows, and if you have little ones, they might not be the best solution.
Bolster Your Secure Landscape With A Home Security System In Boulder
An innovative home defense system from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the best accompaniment to your Boulder home security landscaping. Our well-designed packages give you leading tools like exterior surveillance, automation, and control through vocal commands. Besides, our home security sign will look tremendous in your well-maintained yard. Call (303) 479-3788 today and customize a system to your family’s precise needs.